If you've seen the news lately (or seen my multiple retweets on Twitter!) then you know that YouTube recently added some new policies regarding "kids-directed" content. Essentially, anything that is perceived as content that may attract kids will have comments, likes, sharing, etc. removed - and anyone who tries to get around that system may get fined by the FTC.
Basically, for us brickfilmers and Lego animators, it's bad news.
You may or may not have noticed a sudden increase in Lego movies and brickfilms as of late - we brickfilmers are migrating! Until YouTube removes the new regulations and lets us keep animating, we've got to look into other options. Thankfully, Newgrounds exists and has given us quite the welcome!
What I'd like to do with this post is to use it for you, my fellow brickfilming friends! Please leave a comment below with a link to your Newgrounds account and your brickfilms, so that way we can figure out who all is here (and so I can follow you if I haven't already!)
The end of our time on YouTube doesn't have to be the end of it all. Let's keep the community alive and burn brighter than before!
I’m AwesomepantsFilms, I’ve got some brickfilms up already. What Chris has said is true.
Thanks for leading the charge AP!